Digital Chess Game Giant FIDE Online Chooses Algorand Blockchain For Official Chess Ratings

Blockchain News, Opinion and Jobs featuring Digital Chess Game Giant FIDE Online Chooses Algorand Blockchain For Official Chess Ratings written by Richard Kastelein #blockchain, #cryptocurrency, #DLT

algorand, chess, digital, micali, MIT, Scores, BlockchainAlgorand — a world-class blockchain powering secure and efficient frictionless exchange founded by Turing Award-winning cryptographer Silvio Micali from MIT — will be capturing official ratings and titles data from World Chess players on its decentralized blockchain network in real-time. This promises to bring reliability and transparency to the rating system of digital chess. “We are […]

Blockchain News, Opinion and Jobs featuring Digital Chess Game Giant FIDE Online Chooses Algorand Blockchain For Official Chess Ratings written by Richard Kastelein #crypto, #decentralized, #distributed, #ledger
